Tuesday, December 24, 2013

We are Beliebers

P: I just read that Justin Beiber announced his retirement on Twitter.

B: I can't beliebe that!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sticky and Itchy

This morning...

B: I had a dream last night too. I was at a water park and the theme of the water park was "Making Spiritual Itchiness Vanish."

P: .....

B: I told myself, that's pretty good. Maybe we can use it as a large group theme. I need to remember that and tell Peggy... Except now that I tell you about it, it doesn't sound that awesome.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Now he's doing the diagnosis

P: I need attention....!
B: You have attention... deficit... disorder...
P: -___-

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lincoln the Action Movie Hero

B: So did you pick a movie?

P: Well, there's Lincoln but I don't think you'll like it.

B: I thought it was supposed to be good.

P: Yeah, but it's not your kind of movie.

B: What kind of movie is it?

P: A drama.

B: Well, is there any kind of running in it?